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Treaties Office Database

Database containing summary and the full text for each international treaty/agreement concluded by the European Community, the European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC) and the former European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), and those concluded under the Treaty on European Union.

Category tags: Free Online Databases, Market Access


The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) statistical time series and indicators for international trade and socio-economic data.

Category tags: Free Online Databases, Statistics

UNESCAP Statistical Databases and Transport Facilitation Tools

The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) statistical databases provide data series on socio-economic development in the Asia-Pacific Region including features on science technology and innovation, financing and trade amongst many other areas.

Category tags: Free Online Databases, Statistics

World Bank Open Data

World Bank central website providing free access World Development Indicators (WDI), Global Development Finance (GDF), Africa Development Indicators (ADI), Global Economic Monitor (GEM), and indicators from the Doing Business report.

Category tags: Free Online Databases, Market Access Statistics

World Bank Open Knowledge Repository (OKR)

World Bank's official open access repository for its research outputs and publications, including World Development Reports (WDRs) since 1978; economic and sector analytical studies and reports prepared by Bank staff and others.

Category tags: Free Online Databases, Market Access Statistics

World Bank. Exporter Dynamics Database

Data elaborating on exporter characteristics and dynamics in 45 developed and developing countries, containing more than 100 indicators regarding export transactions obtained directly from customs agencies.

Category tags: Free Online Databases, Market Analysis Statistics

World Development Indicators (WDI) Online

Database containing statistical data for 550+ development indicators, and time series data from 1960 for over 200 countries and 18 country groups.

Category tags: Free Online Databases, Statistics

World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS)

Software providing access to international merchandise trade, tariff and non-tariff measures (NTM) data and relevant development data.

Category tags: Free Online Databases, Market Access Statistics

WTO Statistics Database

World Trade Organization (WTO) statistics of global trade flows by country, region and main product groups or services by category.

Category tags: Free Online Databases, Statistics

WTO Trade Monitoring Database

Query-based database providing detailed information on trade measures implemented by World Trade Organization (WTO) members and observers since October 2008.

Category tags: Free Online Databases, Market Access

Asean Tariff Finder

Web-based retrieval tool for up-to-date information on preferential tariffs applied by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) member States.

Category tags: Free Online Databases, Market Access

The Europe-China Standardization Information Platform

Web-based platform providing information on Chinese and European standards and related market access issues, including legislation.

Category tags: Free Online Databases, Market Access

Comtrade: United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database

Statistical database of the United Nations (UN) providing data on imports, exports, re-exports by 140 reporting countries worldwide.

Category tags: Free Online Databases, Statistics

Market Analysis Tools : Trade Map, Market Access Map, Investment Map and Standards Map

Four interactive web-based databases developed by the International Trade Centre (ITC) providing data regarding trade statistics; customs tariffs; product standards; and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), trade, market access and information on foreign affiliate companies.

Category tags: Free Online Databases, Market Access Market Analysis Statistics

Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC)

Up-to-date market insights and product information via trade publications, research reports and digital news channels, including information on trade exhibitions and conferences.

Category tags: Free Online Databases, Market Analysis Trade Fairs

WTO Tariff Analysis Online (TAO)

Two databases providing information on applied customs duties at the tariff line level, import statistics by country of origin and World Trade Organization members' commitments on goods.

Category tags: Free Online Databases, Market Access Statistics