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Electrical Components

Strategically located in one of the world’s most dynamic regions, Myanmar is set to become one of Asia’s most dominant electronic and electrical equipment exporters.

Sector facts

  • In 2019, Myanmar exported US$186 million.
  • The country has a distinct geographical advantage by being located between two of the world's largest economies, China and India, and the sector can attract significant investment.
  • Myanmar's exports of electrical machinery and equipment have grown considerably over the past five years, with a five-year average of 350% between 2015 and 2019.
  • The booming Asian middle class, the development of all domestic production sectors and the trend towards increasing diversification of production facilities in Asia are all conditions that will foster further growth in Myanmar's economy.

Main export markets

The main demand for domestic products are Japan (22.5%), the United States (21.9%), Belgium (11,6%), Hong Kong (10,6%), Thailand (9,9%), China (6,3%), Malaysia (3%), Singapore (2,8%), Germany (2%) and India (1,5%).

The pace of export growth is particularly strong to the United Kingdom (119% between 2015 and 2019), Belgium (56%), Thailand (84%), Japan (69%) and Korea (70%). Recently penetrated, the American market is the one with the most sustained growth rate (113 330%) since it has become in the space of 5 years the second largest foreign buyer of national products.

Main export products

95% of export revenue is generated from the sale of 15 main product categories: Television Cameras, Loudspeakers, Headphones and Earphones, Electrical Transformers, Reception & Transmission Apparatus, Telephone Sets, Electrical Switches, Insulated Electrical Conductors, Electrical Motors, Electrical Apparatus, Electric Motors & Generators, Communication Apparatus and Electrical Inductors.


A growing sector

Between 2014 and 2018, the industry has grown at an average rate of 96.6% per year.

Over 50 trading partners

In 2018 Myanmar was exporting electrical equipment to 52 different countries.

A promising sector

The industry's export earnings amounted to $186 million in 2018, or about 1.4% of the country's total exports.


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